Frequently Asked Questions about Organic Fertilizer Fermentation(Second part)

Frequently Asked Questions about Organic Fertilizer Fermentation II
1. Odor: There is a constant smell of rotten eggs or rotten odor coming from the pile.
Possible causes and solutions:

1. The ammonia content is too high (C/N less than 20): Use deodorant for disinfection and deodorization, and add high-carbon substances such as crop straw, peanut shells, rice husks, etc.
2. The pH value is too high: Add acidic substances (calcium phosphate) to lower the pH value and avoid using alkaline ingredients (lime).
3. Uneven ventilation or poor air flow: remix the materials and change the formula.
4. The materials are stacked too densely: remix the pile and add large particles as appropriate according to the density of the materials.
5. Anaerobic environment: Turn the pile regularly to increase the oxygen content in the pile.

2. Mosquitoes and flies breed: Mosquitoes and flies breed in the fermentation pile.
Possible causes and solutions:
1. The raw materials are stacked for too long before fermentation: Process the raw materials quickly and spray probiotic deodorant on the surface to reduce odor and mosquitoes.
2. Fresh manure covers the surface of the pile and breeds mosquitoes and flies: turn the pile every 4-7 days and cover the surface of the static pile with a 6cm layer of compost.

3. Material agglomeration: The fermentation material in the pile has large pieces and inconsistent structure.
Possible causes and solutions:

1. Uneven mixing of raw materials or insufficient turning: improve the initial mixing method.
2. Uneven air flow or insufficient surroundings: sort or crush compost to improve air distribution.
3. The raw materials contain large pieces and non-degradable or slow-degrading materials: sort the compost, crush and organize the raw materials.
4. The composting process is not over: extend the fermentation time or improve the fermentation conditions.