Customer's 24t/h NPK roller compactor plant

The double-roller extrusion granulator is suitable for large, medium and small fertilizer production line processes. The number of granulators is adjusted according to the output of a single equipment, corresponding to the fertilizer processing output. The production technology and process are relatively simple and easy to operate. It is used in compound fertilizers and organic fertilizers. Widely used in fertilizer production lines.


Compared with other process methods, the double-roller extrusion granulator performs granulation at normal temperature, does not require drying measures such as fuel and gas, and saves the drying process. It has a low proportion of returned materials, stable operation, easy maintenance, and reduced labor intensity. Save labor.

Another advantage is the use of extrusion granulation. In the fertilizer production process, the pure physical roller extrusion method is used for granulation. There is no chemical process, no drying and other processes, and there is no waste water and waste gas. This will not cause any harm to the environment. The environment causes greater pollution, and investment in environmental protection treatment equipment is also relatively reduced.


The double-roller extrusion granulation process does not require the addition of binders. It relies on external mechanical pressure to squeeze the material through the gap between two counter-rotating rollers to produce oval-shaped granules with high particle strength. It is relatively high, has high molding efficiency, good particle strength, reduces powder waste, reduces packaging costs, and has good fertilizer storage and transportation effects.

The roller extrusion granulator can also be used with other automated equipment, such as automatic weighing, automatic batching, automatic packaging, etc. to form an assembly line operation to complete the process of large and medium-sized compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer production lines.