How can chicken manure fully decompose?

1. Natural accumulation fermentation (preferably with straw added)

We can mix chicken manure and straw (wheat bran can also be used) wet, control the humidity at 60-70%, and then cover the chicken manure with plastic film (plastic film can prevent rainwater erosion and nutrient loss; plastic film can increase the temperature of manure in winter and accelerate fermentation). Generally, it can be fully decomposed in 3 months. During the fermentation period, we can flip 1-2 times. Flipping not only prevents overheating and excessive burning, but also facilitates the uniform fermentation of chicken manure.

2. Accelerate fermentation using "fermentation agents" (main method)

Farm manure is mainly decomposed by microorganisms, so adding beneficial microorganisms to chicken manure can greatly improve the fermentation speed of chicken manure.

Specific method: We can use 10 grams of "fermentation bacteria" and 100 grams of cooled brown sugar solution (brown sugar is boiled and sterilized with water), then add 5 kilograms of clean water, mix well, and cover with a cloth for fermentation for 5 days to obtain the "bacterial liquid". Then we ferment 200 kilograms of chicken manure with 1 kilogram of bacterial liquid, mix the bacterial liquid and chicken manure evenly, stack and ferment for 15 days, and the chicken manure can be fermented.

Chicken manure fermented by microorganisms contains a large amount of beneficial microorganisms, which can improve the growth effect of plants after being applied to the soil. On the basis of reducing pests and diseases, it is also conducive to high yield and quality of crops.

Attention: Completely decomposed chicken manure can hardly smell a foul odor. After the chicken manure has matured, it should be avoided from long-term storage to avoid reducing the activity of beneficial bacteria.